
I have often wondered what it might be like to jot the ramblings of my mind so that others might embark upon this journey here with me.
I would be short-sided to think that I, among countless millions of individuals who endeavor along the course of reason, might have something worthwhile to say,- though in the end it doesn't so much matter either way, as all of us are in some aspect drifting and are grasping for understanding just beyond our reach.
To that end, I have come to the belief, that I would be remissed if I did not leap into the pool of great debate to lay fast my anchor where it seems many have been drifting for far too long now.
I don't know yet that writing will be fun. I hope I find some corollary though through my writing . For me what seems most important in all of this: that I might find clarity of thought and articulate what seems clear to me.

Click here and enjoy the journey. Come uncover Sofia with me.

MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Polling People

I can't help but think how i wish i didn't have to vote today; to try in some way to justify the outcome as being what it is that a vote either way won't matter; in the end I am going to be with God in Heaven. My personal behavior as a Christian should not be affected by the outcome that occurs.
In that regard i am greatful for the time i spent today with a mentor. I am longing to journey in the fruit of the spirit; to be inspired by those around me and to act in the will of God more and more each day.
I feel a calling and my spirit yearns that i might dive into the well of hope without regard, without fear to drown in the waters this life. In the sacrifice i am revealed; in the offering i am accountable.
It doesn't so much matter that people are voting; they are voting for a man; Christ alone is God and i long to be with him.
This world is corrupt, broken, crippled. Christ will come again and restore all that is good to its rightful place. I will follow him; my vote has been cast and i am forever willing to journey the straight and narrow road before me - when persecution comes, and it is coming...I hope and pray that i might be able to stand in the gap and proclaim that God alone reigns in me. My hope comes from the Lord, maker of Heaven and Earth.

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